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Chip Berlet

Vote for Democrats—Then Organize to Kick Their Butts

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Of course it is lousy situation. These days voting for Democrats, however, helps build a bulwark against elitist reactionary rage at restrictions on their greed, and right-wing populist fears among white people over demographic changes in our population. Since the 1930s Organized Wealth has been trying to shred the meager social safety net woven during…

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Alt-Right: A Primer on the Online Brownshirts

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Alt-Right began as an online phenomenon that mushroomed into a poisonous cloud of misogynist, white nationalist, and anti-Left propaganda. Its basic thrust was aimed at collapsing democracy and human rights in the United States on behalf of economic and political elites.[1] Its voice is that of macho male gasbags polluting the public sphere with self-aggrandizing…

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