Contributions by:

Philip Green

Reflections on Kamala

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1. That was the best political speech I’ve heard since…anyone. Barack, maybe. But there was really no one else. I was for her to begin with, after her take-down of Biden; then dropped her when she dropped out. Since then I’ve paid no attention to all those news clips about how she didn’t know what…

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The Heart of Darkness

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Part I: Treason During the latter stages of World War II, the American labor movement was divided sharply in two: on the one hand the old line craft unions, such as ladies’ garments and headgear, joined in the American Federation of Labor; on the other the unions attached to the newer mass industries: auto ,…

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The Midterms are Coming, Alas Alas

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I’m not into making predictions, but at this point it’s fairly easy to predict not what is going to happen, but rather what has to happen to avoid what might otherwise be irremediable consequences. All commentators think the Republican Party is going to win back the House.  That will be pretty terrible in that the House leaders…

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The Alt-Left and Ukraine

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In the period following the invasion of Ukraine, I began monitoring the interventions  of what I’m calling the Alt-Left, having been especially struck by the behavior of  The Nation, a periodical with which I’d been associated for many years.  This account proceeds with  some quotations from The Nation, DSA, and several well-known Left intellectuals,  along with…

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Farewell to Democracy?

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I As recent events demonstrate so dramatically, the spirit of democracy, the universal impulse to self-government and equality, lives on and thrives, generating mass uprisings against autocratic domination, even in areas where democracy has heretofore had little purchase. However, the reach of global capitalism and the burgeoning debt crisis impose overwhelming constraints and an essentially…

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Reflections on Arendt

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In the late winter of 1957-58, while I had just begun courses at NYU Law School, a manuscript landed on the desk of my mother, Frances Green, who at that time was General Manager of Commentary, as she had been since the magazine’s founding in 1946. As General Manager, she was in charge of the…

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After Ferguson: Notes on Oppression

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“It is common, indeed usual, to be uncertain of a boundary but quite certain of what lies well to the east or west of it.” – Walter Stein Oppression “Oppression,” according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is: “the action of exercising arbitrary or cruel power: A system of oppression.” (Italics added) Two corollaries of this definition…

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On Liberalism

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Writing in response to a liberal criticism of a bill that “would make illegal the use of any ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion [DEI] statements’ as part of the hiring, promotion and tenure process,” a  philosophy professor at Brown, Felicia Nimue Ackerman, argued  that “making such statements part of the hiring, promotion and tenure process is also an…

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