
“You’ll Come with Me”: Humans and Animals in Times of War

By Paola Cavalieri
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Many are the phenomena that can light the path towards the emancipation of oppressed beings. Among them, there are sometimes processes that society spontaneously generates, and that can develop in unexpected circumstances. Something of this kind is happening now. The circumstance is war, and the oppressed beings are nonhuman animals. Pen Farthing and the Flight…

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The Two Faces of East German Socialism

By Axel Fair-Schulz
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Anniversaries have a way of focusing historical memory. One such anniversary is upon us in 2022 and another came and passed in 2021. Forty years ago, in 1982, East Germany’s most famous dissident, the internationally acclaimed scientist and critical Marxist Robert Havemann, died. Imprisoned and sentenced to death by the Nazis for his activities as an…

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Our Flattening Culture

By Fred Camper
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We find ourselves in a cultural collapse far more total than anything I have seen in my lifetime, and perhaps greater than any in US history. Similar signs appear in other nations. People seem stupider, more inclined to violence, partaking less of reason, motivated by vague feelings of personal grievance. We are interested more in…

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Constructing a Boogeyman: Myths and Realities of Antifa Activism

By Stanislav Vysotsky
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For many people in the United States, antifa activism is a relatively new phenomenon that they view with suspicion at best and derision at worst. Short for antifascist, antifa is a term used by activists who organize to oppose the political activity of far-right movements and their members. Because activists on the far right frequently…

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What We Owe the Past: William MacAskill, Effective Altruism and the Wrong Life

By James Kent
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‘The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living’ –  Karl Marx It was, after all, too good to be true. Following the aftermath of the allegations of corruption and bankruptcy of the cryptocurrency exchange company FTX Trading Ltd., William MacAskill’s Twitter fell silent.  The Oxford philosopher…

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Marcuse’s and Fromm’s Correspondence with the Socialist Feminist Raya Dunayevskaya: A New Window on Critical Theory

By Kevin B. Anderson
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During the years 1954 to 1978, the Marxist-Humanist and feminist philosopher Raya Dunayevskaya corresponded separately but intensively with two noted members of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm. The correspondence covered dialectical social theory, socialist humanism, the structure and contradictions of modern capitalism, and feminism and revolution. As a whole, these exchanges illustrate…

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The War in Ukraine and Putin’s Vlast: a sociological perspective

By Sergei Erofeev
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The true causes of the war in Ukraine are part of a larger picture of social transformation throughout Eastern Europe. To see it in its entirety, we need a science-based understanding of the nature of Putin’s rule with some help from sociology – not the kind that is reduced to opinion polls, but the sociology…

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Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev, the Pioneering Bolshevik Theorist of Imperialism, National Liberation and Socialism

By Rohini Hensman
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The first show trial of a Bolshevik Given his prominence as a high-ranking Bolshevik, Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev is very little known. This is partly because he was cut off early in his career by persecution and ultimate execution in Stalin’s purges and his writings suppressed for decades, but also due to distortion and lack of comprehension…

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On Ken Kelman and His Theory of Cinema

By P. Adams Sitney
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The playwright and film theorist, Ken Kelman, was a contributor to Logos. His longtime friend, P. Adams Sitney, has prepared an edited collection of Kelman’s writings and unpublished lectures, which will be released by Anthology Film Archives. In memory of Kelman, below is Sitney’s introduction to the forthcoming collection. We are also publishing an excerpt from Kelman’s…

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On Kenneth Anger, Christopher MacLane, and Isidore Isou

By Ken Kelman
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The following is excerpted from a forthcoming collection of Ken Kelman’s writings and lectures on film. The volume is edited by his longtime friend, P. Adams Sitney, and will be published by Anthology Film Archives. Logos has also published Sitney’s introduction to the volume in this issue. We have selected the following lecture by Kelman because it…

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2024: Vol. 23, No. 2

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2024: Vol. 23, No. 2

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