Cultural Malaises

The Global Grievance Network: How Viral Masculinity Endangers Everyone

By Karen Lee Ashcraft
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“Cyber misogyny” is sort of what it sounds like, a catch-all term for various forms of woman-hate spewing over the internet. Dig deeper, however, and you discover something unexpected. Women and girls may be its main targets, but they are not alone. Men and boys are harmed by it too. It can devastate entire communities,…

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Our Flattening Culture

By Fred Camper
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We find ourselves in a cultural collapse far more total than anything I have seen in my lifetime, and perhaps greater than any in US history. Similar signs appear in other nations. People seem stupider, more inclined to violence, partaking less of reason, motivated by vague feelings of personal grievance. We are interested more in…

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2024: Vol. 23, No. 2

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2024: Vol. 23, No. 2

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