Gaza War – 2009

Unjust and Illegal: The Israeli Attack on Gaza

By Stephen Shalom
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The reports of statements from Israeli soldiers documenting their horrendous war crimes[1] have greatly discomforted those who engaged in cheerleading for the brutal Israeli assault on Gaza. It is hard to proclaim the “purity of arms” of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) when its members wear t-shirts showing the stomach of a pregnant Palestinian woman…

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Gaza On My Mind: Old Hopes, Mistaken Assumptions, and New Ideas on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By Stephen Eric Bronner
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At the point of departure they left me with thorns of remembrance and never returned. —Mahmoud Darwish Hopes for peace were soaring in 2004 when Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel began evacuating 8000 Israeli settlers from Gaza. As Western newspapers depicted wailing Israeli settlers, bemoaning their betrayal while waiting for government checks to soften…

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Gaza 2009: Hit by an Iron Wall

By Lawrence Davidson
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The Iron Wall in Theory The conceptual origins of the 2009 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, so appropriately designated Operation Cast Lead, as well as its numerous predecessors,1  can be traced back to November 4, 1923.   On that date Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, the founding father of right wing Zionist thinking, published an article in…

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