Israel-Palestine: A New Fate?

Why Does Annexation Look Like a Problem and Not an Opportunity?

By Ian S. Lustick
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For more than forty years experts and politicians have warned of Israel’s creeping de facto annexation of the West Bank. In 1982 Meron Benvenisti and Thomas Friedman declared it was five minutes to midnight”–just a few ticks of the clock before withdrawal would become impossible. The savviest Israeli journalists–Yehuda Litani and Dani Rubinstein–agreed. That was…

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Palestine–Israel: The Next Stage

By Menachem Klein
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The Two-States Solution: a Short Bio of an Ill Solution The two states solution has interesting history. It was born in 1937, when the Palestinian revolt of 1936 made clear that it is impossible to impose on the Palestinian majority the Jewish state that Balfour declaration of 1917 envisioned. Nor were the Jews and their…

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2024: Vol. 23, No. 2

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