Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man at 50
Refusing Whitfield and Rethinking Marcuse: 50 Years After One Dimensional Man and Other Things
By Arnold Farr
Posted in
2015: vol. 14, no. 1
It has been my view for some time now that academic discourse and inquiry should be a communal enterprise. There is no room or time for the hyper competitiveness that we see between some individual scholars as each seeks to elevate him or herself above the other for academic prestige. In my mind, scholars should…
Read Full Article...More than fifty years have passed since the publication of Herbert Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man (ODM) in 1964. That work shaped the first generation of critical theorists in the United States and, while no longer as popular as it once was, it continues to inspire young left intellectuals. Many of an earlier time first encountered the…
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