2021: Vol. 20, no 1

Anthony DiMaggio: The War on Anti-Racism: The Mainstreaming of Social Movements, and the Emerging Backlash

Joy James: The Algorithm of AntiRacism

Lawrence Davidson: Israel’s Road to Apartheid and the Fate of International Law

James Block: The Road Not (Yet) Taken II: From Culture Wars to a New History

Russell Jacoby: High Court of Literary Correctness

Benjamin Shepard: From Pandemic to Solidarity, Mutual Aid from Plague Days to Autonomous Zones

Charles Thorpe: Toward Species Being

Kurt Jacobsen: Stockholm Syndrome and The Trial of the Chicago 7

Bill Nevins: Poetry Review Column

Geoffrey Kurtz: Review Essay: J. Toby Reiner, Michael Walzer (Polity Press, 2020); Michael Walzer and Astrid von Busekist, Justice is Steady Work: A Conversation on Political Theory (Polity Press, 2020)

Robin Melville: Review Essay: Leo Panitch & Colin Leys, Searching for Socialism: The Project of the Labour New Left from Benn to Corbyn (London: Verso: 2020)

Benjamin Shepard: Review: Christophe Broqua, Action = Vie: A History of AIDS Activism and Gay Politics in France. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2020).

Aidan J. Beatty: Review: Tanya Lavin, Culture Warlords: My Journey into the Dark Web of White Supremacy. New York: Hatchette Books, 2020)

Jeremy F. Walton: Patricia Morris, Fetishism, Psychoanalysis, Anthropology (London: Author’s Collective Press, 2020).

Warren Leming: Review: Mark Harris, Mike Nichols: A Life. New York: Penguin, 2021.

Sarah Kamal: Review: Eben Kirksey, The Mutant Project: Inside the Global Race to Genetically Modify Humans. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2020.

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2024: Vol. 23, No. 3

Artist: Drew Martin

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