2024: Vol. 23, No. 2

Amal Jamal: A Humanist Perspective on the Causes, Reasonings and Consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian War

Menachem Klein: A New Judaism?*

Melvyn Dubofsky: Has Labor Reawakened?

Loren T. Cannon: The Backlash Continues: How Two Recent SCOTUS Rulings Pose a Threat to LGBTQ+ and Especially Trans and Gender Non-Binary Persons

Larry N. Gerston: The Rise of Trumpism

Andrew Kolin: Trump and Trumpism: An American Brand of Fascism

Allen Wood: Kant After Three Centuries

Joy James: Marcuse’s Most Famous Student: Angela Davis on Critical Theory and German Idealism*

Frank M. Kirkland: Africa, We the Underdeveloped: Wynter’s Discontent in the Light of Hegel’s Conception of Development

Mark Epstein: Pasolini’s Aesthetics

Rainer Funk: Erich Fromm’s Contribution to Critical Theory

Marsha Hinds MyrieLex DulongJillian Uniacke: Joy James’s New Bones Abolition

Peter Hudis: Determinism and Freedom: A Review of Michael Löwy’s Rosa Luxemburg: The Incendiary Spark

Brian Robert Hischier: Fred Camper’s Seeking Brakhage

Marybeth Tamborra: Chelsea Schields’s Offshore Attachments

Latest Issue

2024: Vol. 23, No. 3

Artist: Drew Martin

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